SENDCO Solutions Limited

Number: 01623 751115
The area they cover: National

Background & experience:

I was a classroom-based SENDCO for over 20 years alongside wearing the other hats that tend to get thrown in our direction – EAL, PP, LAC, DSL, Family Learning, Literacy… I spent time on the advisory panel for my local authority around Element 3 funding and 12 years as a governor (staff governor in secondary, parent governor in a primary, co-opted governor in another primary and SEN elected governor for schools forum at the local authority. I’m currently considering a role as the LA governor for a nearby special school.)

My experiences range from 2 year-olds to adults having worked in a wide variety of settings and across many subjects.

I have written for the TES, NASEN, Teacher Toolkit, a local University and recently published my first two books in a SENDCO support series.

I call myself The SENDCOs SENDCO.


Services they offer:

I’ll do what any good SENDCO does…go the extra mile to help you in your role. My current interests lie in provision mapping and making sure schools understand the requirements of the SENDCO role. I work as the in-house SENDCO, DSL & Literacy Advisor for Edukey but in my spare time I run my own consultancy business offering: Well, the honest answer is I’ll turn my hand to pretty much anything!
I’m a SENDCO at heart…too many years in the role and in the classroom. And far too many years where the word, “no” was too far from my vocabulary. I will help you with any SEN related issue, anything from a safeguarding perspective, EAL programmes of work, LAC reviews/interventions and evidencing or PP support. And the thing most SENDCOs seem to hate – data crunching!!!

What I won’t do? Lie to you if I think something isn’t right, provide you with a sticking plaster for a cut artery, fight your battles with staff (although I’ll guide you through it), paint a rosy picture for governors/SLT and parents if it isn’t a rosy picture!

SUGGESTIONS (based on recent work…)
* Support in a difficult meeting
* Assistance writing EHCP requests and bids for Top Up funding
* Help analysing data
* Suggesting ways forward for interventions (groups or individuals)
* Guidance writing learning plans and targets
* Establishing departmental procedures
* Staff training
* Firefighting – the call is imminent what do we need to do first?
* Strategic planning – what do we want to achieve, by when and how can we do it?
* Suggesting software solutions for your Learning Plans, Provision Mapping, Literacy Assessment, Behaviour tracking, Safeguarding etc.
* Research and advice for you based on your needs/requirements (including legal information since there are many myths out there!)
* Creating a staff SEN library
* Getting the JCQ exam concessions completed and submitted

What if I can’t help? Well, I could leave you high and dry…but that’s not me. I will do my best to signpost you in the right direction, whether that’s a website, a software solution, another professional in the field, I will do my best to help you.

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