Did you know that Edukey’s suite of products can be used to support your Pupil Premium (Deprivation Premium) Pupils?

On ClassCharts, you can add the Pupil Premium status to the cards so that your eligible students are easily spotted in the class.  This can help where your school policy requires you to know who is eligible for the Pupil Premium. There are plenty of initiatives out there with regards to Pupil Premium including making sure you ask them questions first or more frequently.  ClassCharts allows you to make sure you don’t fall foul of your school policy with its question tracker.

Literacy Assessment Online, can be used to establish the reading age and spelling age of every student from 6-14 years.  This online assessment tool is quick and simple to administer with no passwords and fiddly logins for students. In just 20 minutes you can gather the reading ages of a group of students with real time marking and reports can be generated to show the impact of interventions or repeat assessments undertaken to show progress over time.  Using a tool such as this you can decide whether spending a chunk of your Pupil Premium budget on a literacy intervention is worthwhile.

Learning Plans and Provision Maps can be used for Special Educational Needs, English as an Additional Language, Looked After Children and of course Pupil Premium.  Whilst it is marketed as a separate product for Pupil Premium, it is the same program but with red branding rather than blue so if you already have it, you don’t need to buy it again.  In fact, most SENCOs when trying to fund the purchase of the program will use Pupil Premium Funding; for the cost of one child’s Pupil Premium allocation you have a program you can use for EVERY child in the school.  

In the same way as you set up provisions and interventions for students with special educational needs, you set up interventions and provisions for your Pupil Premium cohort.  From their key mentors, to additional science lessons; from 1:1 tutors to the purchase of revision guides; from breakfast club to uniform and school trip offers…they can all be added, costed and outcomes tracked.  And when it comes to running a report for your governors or the website to show how the money has been spent, it’s as easy as hopping into the reports section of the program and selecting the filters. (There’s a filter there for service premium separately too.)

But you can also use the program to create plans or passports for those students too.  Many schools moved towards a record which shows the aspirations and barriers to learning for their Pupil Premium pupils along with what the school, the family and the pupil are going to do to work towards those goals.  Using the Learning Plans element of Provision Maps you can create a template with the Pupil Premium boxes you want and make sure all your staff have access to the shared information.

Why not ask the Edukey Team for a demonstration of the products to see how you can use them to support vulnerable students in your school?