Natalie Packer Education Consultancy Limited

Number: 07730 438096
The area they cover: National

Background & experience:

I am an Independent Education Consultant, specialising in School Improvement, Teaching and Learning and SEND as these are my areas of expertise and reflect my previous experience. I have been a primary teacher, SENCo, headteacher and local authority adviser. I have also worked with the DfE SEN team and National Strategies as a Senior SEN Adviser. This involved development, implementation and evaluation of the Achievement for All (AfA) national pilot. AfA is a school improvement programme designed to improve outcomes for all pupils, including those with SEND, through high quality teaching, effective tracking and target setting, engaging parents and developing wider outcomes. My role involved support with strategic planning, providing training for school staff and monitoring the effectiveness of AfA on pupil outcomes. Developing AfA was a significant professional achievement as it has made a real difference to pupils, not only on attainment and progress but also in terms of their self esteem and involvement of their parents in learning.

Prior to my role with the National Strategies, I worked as a local authority SEN and School Improvement Adviser in Northamptonshire and Leicestershire. I supported schools causing concern, led whole school teaching and learning and SEN reviews and managed the team who were responsible for the county SEN CPD programme.

I have primary headship experience and have worked as an interim Executive Headteacher in a school in Special Measures. I was responsible for developing, implementing and monitoring the Ofsted Action Plan. My main focus was to provide professional development for staff to improve the quality of teaching and learning and raise standards and achievement.
Previously I have been a SENCO, mainstream class teacher and have experience of working within specialist settings, supporting pupils with a range of needs.

I have been an independent adviser for 5 years and support a range of primary, secondary and special schools with leadership of SEND, as well as working with local authorities, MATs and other national organisations. I am an Associate Consultant for nasen and a member of the Academies Enterprise Trust SEN Team. I am also a consultant governor for a large 4-18 school in Dubai and a trustee of a recently formed multi-academy trust in the East Midlands. I regularly contribute to online SEN articles and webinars, writing for Optimus and They Key, and am the author of The Perfect SENCO and The Teacher’s Guide to SEN.


Services they offer:

I specialise in training, support and advice on Special Educational Needs (SEN) and School Improvement in order to improve outcomes for all pupils. I can offer a range of support for headteachers, senior and middle leaders, SENCOs, teachers and support staff. Advice can also be provided for clusters of schools, local authorities and other educational organisations.
I develop and run professional development packages for a wide range of professionals including teachers, support staff and senior leaders. Key topics for keynotes / training / workshops include:

• Implications of the national SEN system for your school
• Strategic development of SEN provision and practice
• Developing a framework for improving outcomes for pupils with SEND
• Preparing governors to meet their responsibilities towards SEND
• The role of the SENCO / Inclusion Coordinator
• Provision Management
• How to monitor and evaluate the impact of SEN provision in your school
• Developing an inclusive approach to assessment
• Managing support staff
• Meeting the needs of pupils with SEN in your classroom
• Supporting pupils with specific needs (dyslexia, autism, speech and language)

I also carry out SEND reviews in primary, secondary and special schools and have been involved in the development of peer to peer SEND reviews through Whole School SEND (WSS).
I am an Outstanding Teaching Intervention Trainer and can provide CPD packages for schools around effective teaching and learning, including video observations and coaching

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