If you are reading this post then the chances are you have one of our products already, but not everyone is aware of the other products in the Edukey suite or how some of them link together 

Standalone Products 

First let us address two completely standalone products: Literacy Assessment Online and Report Comment Bank. 

Literacy Assessment Online: https://www.literacyassessment.co.uk/ 

This system supplies an effective, cost-efficient tool to evaluate and measure the impact of the literacy interventions in placeEncompassing reading comprehension and spelling standardised scores and phonics diagnostics, it is an essential piece of software in the busy school. 

Report Comment Bankhttps://www.reportcommentbank.co.uk/ 

This standalone product allows you to create school reports in minutes using a bank of over 270,000 commentsWith subjects from Arabic to Welsh, and Child Development to Religious Studies along with a user library and the ability to install a word toolbar, you will never be stuck for something to say about a student again! 

Main programs 

Class Charts (Behaviour can be shared to Provision Maps) https://www.classcharts.com/ :   

Instant seating plans and easy-to-use behaviour management, saves teachers time, reduces their workload & improves pupil behaviour/reduces low-level disruption. Also included in the packages are apps to help with parent engagement around behaviour and achievement. 

Provision Maps (Plans, Provisions, Passports and appended files can be shared to Class Charts) https://www.provisionmap.co.uk/: 

Provision Map is a management information system specifically designed for SENCOs. Our easy-to-use provision mapping and learning plan tools save SENCOs 6hrs a week. Also included in Provision Map are modules for meeting logs, parental communication, reviews and reports on costs, time, and outcome. Our reporting function has helped gain on avg. £21,850 extra funding. 

Safeguard My School (Standalone but can link to Provision Maps for analytics and reporting and/or Class Charts for reporting) https://www.safeguardmyschool.co.uk/: 

Safeguard my School is a platform for pupil safeguarding designed to help schools meet safeguarding requirements. It is available as a stand-alone or a plugin for Provision Map. Safeguard my School allows for easy/quick reporting of safeguarding concerns, automatic notifications, and a chronology log to allow management to know instantly of each reported issue within their school. 

School Robins (Standalone but can link to usually Provision Maps) https://www.schoolrobins.com/: 

School Robins is a great tool for gathering information from staff in your school. School email inboxes can be disorderly and makes it hard to find essential information. School Robins compiles a neat record of staff communication relevant to each pupiat a glance, reducing time trawling through emails(Most schools have School Robins in conjunction with one of the other products and are unaware it is available individually.) 


Wellbeing (Class Charts with results available in Provision Maps) https://pages.classcharts.com/wellbeing/: 

Easily track the wellbeing of your pupils, with clear analysis of trends to help you identify pupils who may need support. 

Attendance (Class Charts) https://pages.classcharts.com/attendance/: 

Attendance recording and analysis for AM/PM and lessons. Monitor lessons with our attendance package and use our tools to improve attendance. 

Communications (Class Charts) https://pages.classcharts.com/communication/: 

A complete communication module that enables schools to quickly share and collect information from parents, pupils, and teachers. 

Linking information together… 

The main linking of information that we see is between Provision Maps and Class Charts for sharing the behaviourwellbeing and SEN information. 

First, it needs to be enabled and this takes the form of a simple document with the consent of the main school admins from both accountsOncwe’ve received that and connected the two programs at our end you need to go into admin settings and make thappropriate changes to allow access. 

Within Class Charts this will be a case of going to your Teacher settings and selecting which staff are permitted to see the SEN information being pulled across 

Within Provision Maps, you need to go to School settings and turn on the permission to share files (SEN information will be shared with anyone who has the teacher settinturned on in Clascharts…turning on files will allow them to see selected, attached files too) and if you want to see information from Class Charts in the format obehaviour graphs and wellbeing chartwithin your Provision Maps then you turn this on too. 


As a SENCO trying to pull all the information I needed into one place, took up a good chunk of my timeHaving to log in to multiple systems to see if they were a student who was accumulating a clutch of negative behaviour points could take 10 minutes for one pupil and producing a report on 5 or 6 students would be upwards of an hourUsing the linking between the two products I can see the information on the pageThe graphical representation means I can see at a glance if there is a sudden increase in negative incidents, or if the new intervention put in place to support behaviour is having a positive impact. 

More information… 

If you’d like to see how the two programs work in conjunction with each other, then join us for our Friday afternoon webinar series. Friday 19th March and repeated 26th March, at 2 pm.