How to communicate with an external agency

If you have shared a plan with an agency, you are able to communicate with them by leaving comments on the plan.

To communicate with an agency that has been granted access to a plan, either scroll down to the External agencies section of the shared plan or click on the External agencies option in the navigation menu.

You will be presented with the External agencies section. Click on the speech bubble icon for the agency who you wish to communicate with.

The popup window shown below will appear. Enter your message into the available text box and click on the Add comment button to post it. The external agency user will then receive an email notifying them of your comment.

If an external agency user has left a comment on a shared plan, you will see a red + notification icon on the speech bubble icon.

Clicking on the icon will reveal the comment that was left for you. You will also receive an email notification about the agency user’s comment.