Reading time: 3 minutes

The Bill is currently at Stage 3 of its passage through the National Assembly for Wales – which means it is receiving detailed consideration by the Assembly. Share on X

Where are we now and what is next?

2 major next steps

1. ALN Implementation Group

An ALN Strategic Implementation Group has been formed by the Welsh Government with a number of Expert Groups who are providing detailed consideration to technical issues around the delivery of the new system. Key themes of the group include Individual Development Plans; Transition; Early Years; Post 16 ALN; the role of the ALNCO; continuous Professional Development and the role of Health.

A Written Statement by the Minister for Education was published in July announcing funding for five ALN transformation leads. The leads will cover the four regions in Wales and will manage the regional implementation phase, drawing together the work of the innovation funding.

2. Innovation Funding

As part of the implementation of the ALN Transformation Programme an ALN Innovation Fund has made available to support regional partnership projects between local authorities, schools, further education institutions, specialist providers, health, social services, early years and the third sector. The Funding is focused on developing multi-agency, innovative approaches to improve:

• Early identification

• Transition planning

• Impact monitoring of supporting interventions

• ALNCo development

• Capacity of local post-16 provision and support

• Capacity of special schools to act as specialist support to mainstream schools

• Practice and arrangements for resolving disagreements and avoiding disputes

• Capacity of local authority-based specialist services

• Raising awareness about the range of local support available for learners with ALN and their families.

Want more information?

Click here for the current version of the Bill, as amended at Stage 3.

For a step-by-step history of the Bill’s passage through the National Assembly for Wales since its introduction in December 2016, click here.